About Us
We reach out to the general public, individuals & businesses

Awareness raising for all starts locally leading to a multiplying effect at a larger scale.

Posedonia Project believes this can be achieved by:
What we are best at

Our key principles

Discover your local marine environments and its pristine biodiversity
Getting to know and comprehending how ecosystem work is a fundamental for action
Defining & Monitoring
Defining your Corporate Sustainable Goals and Objectives, tracking them for a long term impact

Business workshops & events

By working with businesses to create tailor-made events, we ensure that an event is not only a short-lived entertainment but a real lever for action.
We believe that the experience of an intense moment can trigger a change, and can happen with your peers too.
We'll help take action on the ground and in the field based on your CSR & SDG strategy and track how you've performed.

Reach out to us
Write to us, tell us how we can help you and your company.
Contact us Now